急激な成長により、これまでの業務モデルが時代遅れになっていませんか? 競争力を維持するために今、企業戦略を再編成する必要があります。 市場の変化に対応するために、コストを削減し、より効率的な組織を再設計するべきかもしれません。
あなたの組織の能力、強み、課題、現状の効率性やパフォーマンスギャップについて、 理解を深めましょう。
組織的な問題の根本原因を知ることで、貴社やその経営陣が明確な戦略的任務を作成し、 組織が満たすべき設計基準を定め、アフターサービスの事業目標を達成するお手伝いをします。
小さな独立系企業でも、大規模な自動車グループでも大丈夫です。 貴社の組織に合わせてカスタマイズした私たちのサービスで、 課題をチャンスに変えます。
We have the Best Solutions For Any After Sales Needs
Consulting across Asia Pacific region since 2010, iiQe® is a boutique agency with a reputation for helping automotive dealerships increase After-sales thru-put volume, market share, profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction.
By tracking and measuring Key Performance Indicators within the after-sales process along with core values, key objectives & differentiators, better capitalize on opportunities, properly utilize resources and maximize ROI.
We help dealerships turn data into dollars.
Our focus is exclusively on the automotive sector. Our multi-cultural team have years of dealership, regional level managerial experiences each with its own specific field of expertise.
There is value in our market intelligence and extensive network with automotive manufacturers and suppliers relevant to the automotive industry, which allows us to stay ahead of the market.
Why us
Our multicultural experiences has set the foundation for our services.
Teams and talents all across Asia Pacific with measurable outstanding track records.
We have have the right solution to achieve your business goals.
Trust takes time to build and can be lost very quickly, which is why we never underestimate the importance of empathy and the value of open and honest communication.
Define & align on a strategic position that will benefit your business on a deeper level, overcome challenges and continually meet objectives–
Your Success is Our Success
Work with a veteran team of organizational design consultants who will help you dig past your business’s surface issues and provide you with the business transformation services, tools and insights to achieve long-term success.
組織の使命と価値を明確にし、市場での地位を定義し、優先順位を設定し、主要な差別化要因と組織の能力を特定し、成功のためのKPIを定義することで、お客様と経営陣が戦略を調整できるように支援します。 あなたとあなたの組織に合わせてカスタマイズされたコンサルティングアドバイスとカウンセル。
Get the action plan you need to tackle new challenges !!
Performing a compliance audit allows management and business teams to get a picture of the current situation, assess the gap separating them from standards and best practices and identify risks (operational or regulatory) associated. The compliance audit can, as such, be preventive but also give rise to remediation plans.
Our Primary focus are After-sales service staff recruitment.
Find the talent you need. Fast And Easy hiring. Helping you clarify your organization’s mission and values, define your market position, set priorities, pinpoint core differentiators and organizational capabilities, and define KPIs for success.consulting advice and counsel that is customized to you and your organization.
当社は世界的なオリジナル自動車部品サプライヤー(OEM)やメーカーと提携しています。 高度な設備と高品質の材料を使用し、OEMの性能、品質、適合性を備えたカスタマイズ製品を提供しています。
当社のプロセスは、あらゆるカスタマイズアクセサリーのご要望にお応えできます。 設計・開発から、工場調達、生産、出荷、通関、最終納品までお任せください。 お客様のニーズに合わせてあらゆるパーツを開発します。
Established in 2019. iiQe is an Automotive Business Solutions agency based in Tokyo, Japan, our focus exclusively on all aspects of after-sales business.
Our dealer consultancy began in 2010. Not only as a company, but a network of automotive professionals all across the globe from the biggest automotive markets providing practical solutions to drive your after-sales business.
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